Das beliebte Gute Nacht Buch wird angenehme Momente in der Schlafroutine Ihres Kindes schaffen. Schöne, dicke Griffe erleichtern das Rumtragen dieses Buches und der Reissverschluss sorgt dafür, dass alles an seinem Platz bleibt. Das Buch ist auch in den Farben Pink und Blau – ohne Text – verfügbar.
Maße 20 x 7 x 22 cm.
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A wonderful book, which will help create a comforting moment to your child’s bed time routine. The little Bear is going to bed, but must first tidy up his room by putting away the toys, take a bath, put on a pyjamas, drink his milk and brush his teeth. After that it is time to go to bed and listen to a bedtime story.
Red cover no text
Suitable from 18 months.
Made of 35% cotton and 65% polyester. 40°C hand wash
Check out our short presentation video of the Good Night Book:
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